All bobbins are made to order, if you need your order by a certain date please call me.

Call Us Monday - Friday: 13:30pm - 18:00pm

Bobbin styles

I can supply many of my bobbins in differnet shapes and styles for differnet types of Lace. At the bottom of each description of bobbin design it will say what styles are available.

East Midland (this bobbin has the spangle fitted, I can do this for you £1 per bobbin) Style A
Honiton, Style B
Long Square, Style C
Short Square, Style D
International Square, Style E
Bayeux, Style F
Flanders, Style G
Binche, Style H
Continental/Danish Style I
Hokkie Bobbins for metalic threads (not shown in the photo below

I can also make up specific shapes to order.